So if I get my selection tool and select all three shapes here for divide and click on divide.

The row beneath here contains the Pathfinders and I have a separate document for that to explain each one of these with pretty much the same set of shapes, apart from one example here, for merge to show you what the results are. So the object there gives one single combination but they are actually two separate objects joining together to do that. The visual result is a combination but if I go ahead and get, for example, my group selection tool here and click on this smaller shape or the larger one, it doesn't matter which and move it, you'll see that the result stays the same while we can move the objects about. And I'm going to option or Alt + click that icon and you might be able to see already, that the lines from both shapes are actually still there. But if I select the green and magenta shapes here, this time what I'm going to do is I'm going to use the unite command but you can see here, I'll get a very long tool tip which will help you to remember this. So it's not a compound path as such, it's a compound shape, slightly different thing. Now something else you can create here is an interesting variation called a compound shape. And you'll see in all bar one of those cases, it is the color of the top object that remains. And exclude is kind of the opposite operation. Intersect takes the two objects and just leaves remaining, the region that is common to both. Minus front will take the top shape away from the bottom shape and the result, if I click on minus front here, is the resulting shape has the color of the background object. When I unite them, they become one object, like so and they take on the color of the top object. Now the yellow circle is clearly on top of the blue circle.

And what we'll explore first are the four shape modes commands, along the top here with each one of these pairs of shapes. So into the window menu and down to Pathfinder and it will open up like so.
What we're going to do here is actually get the full panel out so we can use it for the duration of this movie. Although if we select more than one object, the Pathfinder panel does appear in it's short and long form inside of the properties panel. The pathfinder panel is hands down, the most popular way that people approach drawing by construction and also some, forms of artwork preparation.